Monday May 27, 2024
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM PDT
Doors open at 9:00am, and ceremony begins promptly at 10:00am
An Open House Reception will follow at VFW Post 7392 at 2 pm.
Maple Leaf Cemetery
1961 NE 16th Ave.
The Pacific Northwest Naval Air Museum and Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7392 will remember Memorial Day this year with the sixth annual Service of
Remembrance. The ceremony at Oak Harbor’s Maple Leaf Cemetery, 1961 NE 16th Ave, begins promptly at 10 am, with doors at 9 am. All community members are welcome to join us in person for our traditional and reverent Service of Remembrance, or online for our live broadcast on the Oak Harbor Memorial Day YouTube Channel
In addition to the Maple Leaf Service, Sunnyside Cemetery, 90 Cemetery Rd, Coupeville will have a short, traditional wreath laying service held at 1:00 pm with VFW, Legion, and Fleet. An Open House Reception will follow at VFW Post 7392 at 2 pm.
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Oak Harbor Chamber of Commerce for more information.
32630 State Route 20 , Oak Harbor , WA 98277 – (360) 675-3755 –