Events Calendar
Business Builder "10 Ways to Market Your Business"
Join us on the Second Thursday of each month and there will be a presentation on a variety of topics designed to help our businesses become stronger and more resilient. The presentations generally last about 50 minutes or so and then there will be a question-and-answer period. The idea is for our time together to be interactive and for participants to leave with actionable ideas that they can use to help build their business even stronger. At each meeting, one participant will be randomly selected to receive a FREE One-hour business consultation. JOIN US! Never stop learning about business or leadership because: Stronger Businesses Build Stronger Communities
Whidbey R.I.S.E.S: Navigating the Spectrum Together
Raising a teen or young adult living with ASD can be challenging at times, so it's not surprising that many parents and caregivers feel stressed and isolated. This support group offers a safe and supportive environment where parents and caregivers can share and navigate similar issues and celebrate successes.