Garden Club Hosting Open House to Celebrate Turning 100 Years Old
Date and Time
Saturday Sep 30, 2023
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM PDT
On September 30, 2023 Oak Harbor Garden Club is hosting a community open house in Smith Park to celebrate the club turning 100 years old. The community is invited from 1pm – 4pm and there will be displays, music by local favorite, Kick Brass, and a dedication of a plaque to mark 100 years of service, plus a few more surprises.
Garden Club Hosting Open House to Celebrate Turning 100 Years Old
On September 30, 2023 Oak Harbor Garden Club is hosting a community open house in Smith Park to celebrate the club turning 100 years old. The community is invited from 1pm – 4pm and there will be displays, music by local favorite, Kick Brass, and a dedication of a plaque to mark 100 years of service, plus a few more surprises.
On October 3, 1923, a group of Oak Harbor women organized a civic improvement club. These pioneering women fought to protect a stand of native Garry oak trees in the location which later became Smith Park, saving the trees for future generations.
Historically the club has been making a difference in Oak Harbor from the beginning. It started as a Civic
Club which helped get sidewalks built and a library started, and then funded the library for years. As the
Club transformed to a Garden Club they did many civic improvement projects, such as spearheading the
effort to get the police station landscaped when it was built in the early 70’s, doing work at the Marina,
the Chamber of Commerce, the entry signs at both ends of Oak Harbor, and extensive work to beautify
Hal Ramaley Park and keep it maintained.
The Oak Harbor Garden Club’s mission is to develop a beautiful city through loving care of small areas. The Garden Club meets the second Tuesday of each month at 9:00 AM at 1050 SE Ireland Street, the First United Methodist Church meeting room. Guests are welcome. For more information visit the website,, or visit the Club on Facebook.