Bullying Prevention - Unity Day Walk
Date and Time
Saturday Oct 14, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM PDT
Saturday, October 14th at 1pm
The Pop-up Plaza located on the corner of Pioneer Way and Dock Street.
FREE - Wear the color ORANGE

October is National Bullying Prevention Month.
Positively Linked is inviting you to join us for Unity Day with this simple call to action. Display our Unity Day flyer in your school or business, and wear the color ORANGE, while you join us for the “UNITY Walk” on Saturday October 14th at 1pm @ the Pop-up Plaza located on the corner of Pioneer & Dock Street.
Unity Day, started by PACER's National Bullying Prevention Center as the signature event of National Bullying Prevention Month continues to grow every year as a tangible representation of the universal message that our society wants to promote kindness, acceptance and inclusion to prevent bullying.
Why unity? For years, bullying was justified with expressions such as, “Bullying is a natural part of childhood,” “Bullying makes kids tougher,” or “Bullying is a rite of passage.” The goal of Unity Day is to bring together youth, parents, educators, businesses, and community members across the nation to emphasize the message that bullying is not acceptable, and that all students deserve to be safe in school, online, and in the community.
Why the color ORANGE? Unity Day is celebrated in October, and ORANGE is a color commonly identified with the month and the autumn season. It is also a color that is associated with safety and visibility. It is a color described as warm and inviting, and its vibrancy makes an impactful statement.
For too long, the response to bullying has been silence and those who were bullied felt that no one cared. The simple act of wearing orange shows that youth experiencing bullying are not alone. The goal of wearing and sharing ORANGE is to empower those who are bullied, and everyone around them, to speak up and reach out with kindness, acceptance and inclusion.